In the first stage, we look for the signals that inform us about possible changes that may take place in the future. Depending on the project, the scope and the sources of information may vary. We use direct and indirect data, including collaboration with industry experts and the scientific community.
Analyzing the found signals allows us to determine the trends that drive the development direction of the area we are investigating. We look at the change from a broad perspective, including many different voices. Using quantitative and qualitative methods, we learn about the dynamics and how trends manifest and impact society and business.
How to translate content into specific solutions? In the last stage, we support organizations in the process of drafting an individual strategy and innovation plan. Together, we develop a new vision of development using futures thinking techniques. For us, the litmus test of the recommended solutions is the Sustainable Development Goals defined by the United Nations.
Trend analyst and researcher specializing in quantitative techniques with a background in commodity science. While studying, she became fascinated with designing new products and services. Later, as the manager of research projects, she carried out both social and marketing projects for clients in i.a. gaming, financial and telecommunications industries as well as for governmental and administration bodies. In 2020 she co-founded Busola Trends, using her knowledge and strategic foresight tools to track and describe trends. As a researcher and forecaster, she looks for answers to the questions "what if?", "what then?".
Badaczka marketingowa i analityczka trendów specjalizująca się w badaniach ilościowych. Jako towaroznawca najlepiej odnajduje się w tematyce badania produktów, konsumentów i projektowania innowacji produktowych. Doświadczenie zdobyła w agencji badawczej PBS oraz w agnecji badawczo-konsultingowej Danae sp. z. o. o., gdzie obecnie pełni funkcję Starszego Kierownika Projektów. Prywatnie uwielbia spędzać czas z rodziną, grać w gry planszowe i nadawać starym meblom nowe życie.
Karolina is a designer and researcher that specialises in futures thinking, with a background in industrial design engineering. She is inspired by the possibilities of the futures, bold visions and storytelling. Her passion lies in creating the happy mundane of tomorrow. Karolina uses creative tools and strategic thinking to help innovation-driven companies and organisations succeed by supporting their design process along the way. She is a chapter leader and organiser for the Speculative Futures Rotterdam community.
Multidyscyplinarna projektanka specjalizująca się w metodologii futures thinking, z wykształceniem w zakresie inżynierii projektowania przemysłowego. Obecnie mieszka w Holandii, gdzie zajmuje się organizacją wydarzeń i warsztatów z foresight'u oraz dizajnu spekulatywnego w ramach lokalnego oddziału Speculative Futures w Rotterdamie. Prywatnie miłośniczka trekkingu, ostrego jedzenia azjatyckiego i literatury fantastycznej.