Together we create the future of local food.

Food Urban-Rural Knowledge Ambassadors Network

About the FURKAN Project

The FURKAN Project aims to support the transformation of the urban-rural food system, focusing on small, local producers. By diagnosing key challenges in the food system of the Ostróda municipality and co-designing future solutions, we strive to create the seed of a new reality. This new reality will evolve through an inspiring network of knowledge ambassadors.


We comprehensively diagnose the local plant-based food system, identifying key challenges and future opportunities. We analyze best practices, current market trends, and innovations that can support the development of small producers. Explore our reports, and utilize the developed tools and analysis results to deepen your knowledge of and support the implementation of sustainable practices in plant production.

Information brochure

Discover our process of working with the local plant-based food market. Learn more about the project's goals, outcomes, and planned activities.

Materiały dostępne już wkrótce!

Local food preferences: a consumer insight report

Discover the shopping preferences of Ostróda residents. Understand how engagement in plant cultivation affects the assessment of quality and freshness of products.

Materiały dostępne już wkrótce!

Megatrends and challenges in plant-based food production

Explore the report to understand how global megatrends are influencing the development and challenges in the sector of small plant-based food producers.

Materiały dostępne już wkrótce!


Hi, we are pleased to see you here. Do you believe that the change offers new development opportunities? We do too!

Follow us on social media to learn more about our work. If you want to hear about new projects, collaborate or chat, send us a message.

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Miło nam Cię tu widzieć. Czy wierzysz w to, że zmiany oferują nowe możliwości rozwoju? My też!

Śledz nas w mediach społecznościowych, żeby dowiedzieć się więcej o naszej pracy. Jeśli chcesz usłyszeć o nowych projektach, podjąć współpracę lub po prostu porozmawiać, to wyślij nam wiadomość.

Hi, we are pleased to see you here. Do you believe that the change offers new development opportunities? We do too!

Follow us on social media to find out more about our work. If you want to hear about new projects, collaborate or chat, send us a message.

Send us a message